Volume 11: Part 2- Dha Chathair: Thursday, September 22nd, 6:31 A.M.

Thursday, September 22nd, 6:31 A.M.
The delivery truck drove most of the night.  The smooth ride and the easy going music the driver was listening to allowed me to get some sleep.  Good thing I'm a light sleeper, otherwise one of the guys unloading the truck would have found me when he was checking the shelf I was hiding on.  This was an early sign of the heightened security at the Dha Chathair Dolore Federal Postal Service Facility.
Once I emerged from the truck, I could see that this facility was no slouch at lighting the place up.  All of the lights in this facility were the kind of fluorescent ones that give bright white light all day and all night, and all of the lights covering all of the facility were on.  The only shadows in this place lay underneath tables or directly underneath people.  There were no dark shadows or deep black corners for me to hide in.  There were, however, skylights.
Spread throughout the ceiling of this facility were skylights that provided natural sunlight and some fresh air to the facility.  What good these skylights did in a facility dominated by artificial light I don't know.  Most of these useless skylights were sitting out in the open, but one was situated above a rack of shelves used for storing equipment.  Scaling this rack was easy but doing so without anyone noticing was hard.  I nearly got spotted at the top but I pulled my shoe back just in time.  As I lay on my back, lying next to scarcely used tools covered in dust, I began to examine the skylight.
The skylight seemed to be made of repurposed heating ducts, which are hard to climb up in a silent manner.  The repurposed heating ducts also appeared to be wet, mostly due to the fact that the vents installed to allow airflow was allowing rain in.
When I realized I couldn't get out through the skylight, I got frustrated and kicked the shelf I was laying on.  This caused one of the tools on the shelf to fall and loudly clang on the concrete floor.  I was sure that this would lead to my capture.  I was sure someone would investigate the noise, someone would look up on the shelf I was on, and someone would find me.  I was in a full panic.  My mind was racing, thinking of the thousands of different ways, both possible and impossible, for me to save myself.  No one found me.  No one investigated the noise.  I don't think anybody even noticed the tool falling.  Still, that didn't help my panic go away.
There are breathing exercises you can do to slow down your heart rate down, but those exercises are difficult to do if you can't control your breathing.  While I was trying to stop myself from hyperventilating, something my Dad said to me came to mind.  "Hato, you think too straight ahead.  You think of one solution to a problem then you go after it, even if there are clearly better solutions lying in front of you.  You need to slow down.  You need to look around more.  You need to use your brain more in situations."  Admittedly that conversation aggravated me at the time, as did any other time Dad criticized me, but that conversations served me well at that moment.
My breath and heart rate eventually calmed down and I began to slowly look around and assess the situation I was in.  I saw a row of windows, but saw I could not open them unless I broke them.  There were several fire exits, but I didn't really want to set off the fire alarm as I made my exit.  Then I noticed something peculiar about one of the security doors.  Like most good security doors, you need a keycard in order to open the door to enter the building.  However, unlike many security doors, you did not need a keycard to get out of the building.  People, mostly employees who were usually dressed like I am, just pushed on the door and left the building.
The plan for me to leave the postal facility was this: Climb down off the rack I was laying on, walk over to the security door, and walk out.  That's it.  Just that easy.  Way easier than shimming up a skylight and then trying to get down without breaking something.  Executing this plan was also easy.  Well, as easy as walking out of a busy security door while not making eye contact with anyone can be, which is easier when the employees seem to be more interested in getting the fuck out of the facility than in socializing.
It was dark out when I exited the facility, which gave me an ominous feeling about the city I had just traveled to.  I walked around the streets of Dha Chathair for a while trying in vain to find my bearings.  After realizing how thoroughly lost I was, I decided to change my perspective on the city.  I found a square with several tall buildings in them and chose the tallest one to climb.  Getting to the top of this building took longer than normal, not because it was harder to climb but because this building was taller than any of the buildings in Moenia Prima.  Looking around I could see that Dha Chathair was bigger than my hometown.  There were more tall buildings to climb on, more large groups of people to hide myself in, and more billboards featuring more lovely women for me to stare at.
As I sit on top of this really tall building in Dha Chathair, I don't know where exactly to go.  I don't know how I'm going to continue in my journey to Amcan to tell the world of what's going on in Moenia Prima.  What I do know is I can see a building with a symbol that matches the symbol on the church my family and I went to.  That looks rather inviting.
Hato Shurtleff

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