Volume 11: Part 1- Moenia Prima: Tuesday, June 21st, 11:58 A.M.

Tuesday, June 21st, 11:58 A.M.
There's a video game I've been playing lately called Shadow Core.  I'm almost done with it and I'm really enjoying it.  You play as a member of an elite group of assassin's who's goal is to rid the world of a vast evil criminal enterprise.  Stealth plays an integral role in this game.  You spend most of the time in this game hiding in the shadows, scampering up walks, creeping along rooftops, and patiently waiting for the perfect time to strike.  A lot of the moves used in the game remind me of the osher lessons I took at the cultural center as a kid.  Hell, a lot of the shit in the game is the kind of advanced level maneuvers I've been doing since I was six.
This is why lately I've been working on my osher skills.  I can't hang from high places like I used to, or slowly raise and lower myself from the edge of platforms, I need to build back up my strength for both of those feats.  What I can do is move through tall grass with minimal disturbances, creep silently along rooftops, and sit or lay motionless and silently for hours without being noticed.
One day I was practicing my skills, moving swiftly through the long grass, when I happened upon Miss Membantu's house.  Valerie Membantu, is a teacher at Moenia Prima Elementary, where Sakoshi will start this year.  Valerie is one of my neighbors, talked with my family about issues going on in the school, and even came over to see me on the day I graduated.  I couldn't see her because I was busy partying with my friends and being harassed by the cops.  On the day I happened by her house, I saw Valerie.  A lot of Valerie.  That woman has maintained herself well.  I've never been as physically attracted to a verbrecher woman as I am to Valerie.  Damn.
Anyway, today I challenged myself to utilize my osher skills to remain hidden as I made my way to the job placement center across town.  I did a pretty good job darting from building to building and remaining in shadows as people passed by.  I ran into trouble blending with crowds.  My dark opfer skin just doesn't fit in well with those white as house paint verbrechers.
Hopefully the form I filled out at the placement center will get a few employers interested.  At this point even a call back would be a welcome change of pace.
Hato Shurtleff

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