Volume 11: Part 3- Trebyer: Monday, October 17th, 9:37 A.M.

Monday, October 17th, 9:37 A.M.
As it turns out the armoire was stacked, with clothes.  Not clothes for me, clothes that are better suited for being put on, then slowly and sensuously being taken off.  As I tried again to drift off to sleep, I cursed the fact that I didn't have access to something, anything, that would have distracted me from Rinoa.  Rinoa didn't spent the whole night in the hallway crying, but the thought of her doing so never left my mind.
By the time dawn came around I was long since awake and long since ready to get started on going to Amcan.  Rinoa wasn't in the hallway when I ventured out into it.  I don't know where she slept but I hope it was somewhere comfortable.
When I came down to the kitchen, I found Sam digging around looking for breakfast in the particularly empty pantry.  Meanwhile Gin was drinking his coffee while being engrossed in The Financial Times, which is something I've never said before.  They didn't notice me standing there at first, so they went on with the conversation they were having.
Sam, setting aside a box full of tall dark bottles, said, "I know you like your liquid lunches, but do you have anything resembling a normal meal?"
Gin, not looking up from his paper, said, "My definition of normal is different from yours.  Also, I don't get drunk all the time.  I'd be a pretty shitty businessman if I did that."
"Really?  Then why do you have more alcohol in here than food?"
"Alcohol gets better with age.  Food, not so much."
"Well, at the very least, you should have some cereal."
"Why would I have cereal in my house?  I don't eat cereal."
"Then, what do you usually have?"
"Three cups of coffee and my fill of the half assed business reporting I get from this rag."
Once I heard coffee I thought I'd enter the conversation.  "Do you take your coffee as black as the newsprint you're reading?"
Sam was shocked by me showing up unexpectedly and spilled a package of macaroni, which he promptly went about cleaning up.  Gin folded his paper down, looked at me, and said, "Good morning, and no.  I like my coffee black, not off gray with advertisements in vivid color."
Still on the floor, Sam said, "Did you sleep well, Hato?"
Instead of helping Sam, I responded, "Yes.  I am well rested and ready for work."
That comment was directed toward Gin.  He responded by finishing his coffee, getting up from the table, and saying, "Great, Hato, follow me."  Gin then lead me out the kitchen through the living room.  As we did so, Rinoa was coming in from outside.  Gin took notice of her.  "You, what's your name?"
Bleary and haggard, Rinoa responded, "Rinoa."
Gin replied, "Rinoa, come with me."  Gin continued on through the hallway in his house, with Rinoa and I following behind him, untill we reached what looked like Gin's office.  It looked to be no larger than the bedroom I had back in Moenia Prima, expect there was a large desk with several display cases behind it.  The desk was topped with a laptop, phone, and other things you'd expect in a normal office.  The display cases had booze.  Large and small bottles of booze with different metals, trophies, and other assorted awards sitting behind them.  Gin started leafing through some papers on his desk and while he talked to us.  "Hato, you know that plane I mentioned last night?"
I responded, "Yeah."
Gin, now checking the drawers of his desk, said, "It's going to take me some time to get everything together.  It usually takes a couple of days to put together flight manifests, clearance to go over international borders, and other assorted bullshit.  What'll take the most time is fuel.  Fuel is a highly valued commodity, most especially plane fuel."
Rinoa, having now shaken the cobwebs from her eyes, said, "How can we help?"
Gin looked up from his desk and said, "I knew it was good to grab you.  What I need is money.  I think I'm going to have to bribe someone in the International League-"
Rinoa angrily cut Gin off, saying, "Those blue helmeted dipshits?"
Without missing a beat, Gin replied, "Yep, they who poorly keep the peace.  Anyway, I need to bribe someone in the International League in order to get some plan fuel.  In order to do that, I need cash."
Looking around Gin's office, Rinoa said, "You have an office like this, yet have problems with cash?"
I, not thinking anything of it, added, "Yeah, plus that bed I slept in last night was too luxurious to be cheap."
Rinoa got this offended look on her face and said, "You slept in a bed last night?"
In a bit of perfect timing, Gin, having searched the drawers on either side of his desk, opened the middle drawer of his desk, which caused his face to light up.  "There they are!"  Gin then pulled a handful of papers out of his drawer, placed them on his desk, and closed the drawer.  "These are invoices for various places that owe my company money.  Every day, you take one of these invoices to the business, tell them that I, Mr. Ayah, want to be paid in cash, not check, then bring the money back to me."
Wanting to get to Amcan as quickly as possible, I said, "Why don't we just take care of all the invoices today?"
Gin replied, "Because a kid your walking around with a large amount of cash is considered suspicious by the troops from the International League."
Rinoa found another flaw.  "Why don't you just hit up a bank for cash?"
Gin shot back, "Again, the International League.  They would be made aware of a money withdrawal of that amount and become suspicious of my company and me."
Finding another flaw, Rinoa said, "How about taking out an amount of money over several days?"
Just as quickly as before, Gin replied, "Because activity like that is also suspicious."
At this point, I felt the need to summarize.  "So you want us to collect on some invoices for you, in cash, bring them back so that you can bribe some officials to get some plane fuel so that you can fly me to Amcan?"
As he nodded, Gin said, "Yep."
As she turned to leave, Rinoa said, "I'm going to get cleaned up first.  Maybe I can use that nice bathroom Hato used last night."
As I watched her leave, I thought something and asked Gin to confirm.  "Was it wrong for me to mention that bedroom?"
Nodding again, Gin said, "Yep, but don't worry.  Once she cleans up, she'll feel a lot better."
I hope he's right.
Hato Shurtleff

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