SAC Hunter

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Cover of the game that will be included in the game.
This week, Rebellion announced a unique pre-order bonus for it's upcoming game Sniper Elite V2.  If you pre-order the game, you get Hitler.  Yes, Hitler.  No, not Mr. Hilter from Monty Python, Hitler.
Not the man who will be included in the game.
Adolf Hitler will be included in the multi-player aspects of Sniper Elite V2.  You won't be able to play as the infamous German leader, instead you will be tasked with killing Hitler in a scenario reminiscent of Inglorious Basterds.
Not the man who will be included in the game.
There has been the typical response from anti-Semitic groups, afraid of glamorizing the most infamous criminal in history, or in presenting this man in a cartoonish light.  However, there has been a response from a group that does not often give public comments.  On Wednesday, this publication received a statement about this story from the Soldiers Of Aryan Culture.
The logo of the Soldiers Of Aryan Culture, which will not be included in the game.
Soldiers Of Aryan Culture, founded and headquartered in Utah, deals mostly with drug running, intimidation of minority groups, and the secret support of the Utah Eagle Forum.  Usually this group remains quiet, not wanting to be publicly associated with one another in case a member of this group gets arrested.  In a departure from this approach, Soldiers Of Aryan Culture spokesman, Thomas Wright, sent a statement asserts the group's belief that the much reviled German leader was an integral part of 20th Century History and a still great force in the world.  The statement reads as follows:
"Given this great leader's great role is the greatest movement known to man, to show the Fuhrer in such a way is disrespectful to the good parts of the human race.  The ascension and the purification of the white race is a slow but essential part of creating a more perfect society.  The depiction of a leader of this movement is an affront to civilized society, and should be condemned by all people who seek to live in a world free of the impure thoughts and actions perpetuated by impure people."
The logo for Rebellion Games, which might be included in the game.

When reached for comment about this statement, a PR director at Rebellion Games said, "What?  Is this a joke?  Are you fucking kidding me?  Stop wasting my time with this shit."  The PR director then hung up the phone.
Reaction to this pre-order bonus among the gamer community has been rather positive.  One gamer in particular, known online as "|-|UG0571GL17Z" said, "I look forward to teabagging this fucktard over and over and over and over..." This gamer repeated saying "and over" for several pages.

Adventures In Disappointment
Last weekend I decided I wanted to move.  I got my tax return back, I've been tired of my current place for a while, and, damn it, I'm ancy.  I started searching for a new apartment on the Apartment Guide iPad app.
This app allowed me to delve into hundreds of listings in my area, find a number of apartments that suited my tastes, and send messages to various agents.  Through the process of using this app, I found fifteen apartments that suited my tastes.  After sending out fifteen messages and receiving replies to six of them, most within hours of me contacting them, I went hunting.  Friday was spent going to six different locations, looking at nine different apartment, and finding a lot of information.  I was able to figure out what my options were, and found three apartment that I liked. 
Like the responsible adult that I am, the next step was budgeting.  Included in my budgeting was things like increases in food and gas, increases in entertainment, and possible increases in rent, as well as various other expenses.  After taking a dutiful look at the numbers, I came to a conclusion.
I'm not moving.  I simply can't afford it right now.  I want to.  Oh God I don't believe in, I want to, but I can't do it right now.  Maybe in the future, after I pay off more of my debt and put more money away in savings, I can do it, but just not right now.
It's unfortunate that I can't move right now.  I was looking forward to getting in touch with new surrounding, neighbors, and even myself.  Moving is a goal that I think I will still hold for myself, I just need to work a little longer to get there.  Hopefully not too much longer.

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