Questioning The Legality Of Police Using GPS Tracker Cannons

Police firing GPS tracking 'bullets' at cars during chases

At first glance this seems like a really cool story: Cops using GPS trackers to track a car they are pursuing instead of engaging in a high speed pursuit.  This technology could save lives, prevent property loss, and even prevent that bastard who stole my high end sports car from wrecking it in a place that I would never, and will never, go to.  But, once again, the skeptic in me rears his ugly head.  Sure the police can fire GPS trackers at a fleeing vehicle, but is it legal for them to do so?

In Unites States v. Jones, the Supreme Court dealt with whether police can put a GPS tracker on a suspect's car, deciding that the placement of such a device constituted a search of private property, and that keeping the GPS tracker on the car for an extended amount of time constituted a unreasonable search of a person's private property.  While that decision deals with a person that is suspected a crime, how does this decision affect whether the police can shoot a GPS tracker on the car of a person they know has committed a crime?  Does public safety affect the legality of such a decision?  What about length of time?  If the GPS tracker is placed and the car is not found for a couple of days, does the length of time it took to find the car affect whether or not the police can use this technology in this manner?

When contacted by this reporter for this story, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said, "What the fuck are you doing on my property?  Get the fuck out of here, you fucking liberal."

When queried, the public relations department for the West Valley City Police Department said, in a statement, "Why can't you journalistic types just leave us alone?!?  We were just fine before you people started poking around in our business, and now- and now- Look at us!  We're a police force in shambles.  Just get out.  Get out!"

I have yet to receive a clear answer about the legality of GPS trackers being shot from police vehicles at suspect vehicles.  One thing is clear though, I know who I don't trust with this technology.

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