In a world where the powers that be restrict the media from saying anything deemed to be revolutionary, the people are yearning for a voice. This is not a yearning that they openly express, for fear of being dragged off by the powers that be, but they feel it none the less. Three rebels dare to say to the powers that be that want to silence them "Bring it on!" This is the story of those three rebels and some of the people who would follow them to hell and back.
Michael Clarke Duncan is DerrickH
Lisa Loeb is Loserly
and Danny McBride is Alphabox.
With Philip Seymour Hoffman as Curtis, John Barrowman as Toaster, Jennifer Hudson as Pandalicious, and Seth Green as Redertainment.
Dead Pixel Live: The Movie: It's huge popular.
Red Recommends- Comics
Preacher is considered to be one of the most heralded comic book series of the 90's. I have heard for years people call this comic a groundbreaking, compelling, and awesome read. Not to long ago I picked up one of the bound volumes of Preacher, Gone To Texas.
Preacher intertwines social and religious themes into a narrative that is quite compelling, if you believe in organized religion. I don't. I kept on reading Gone To Texas waiting for the point where it would kick in and hook me. It did not. I walked away from Preacher with a similar viewpoint that I have about Radiohead: I hear people rave about it. I hear people say it's good. I just don't se it. I don't like it or dislike it, I just don't have a opinion on it.
This is much different from my viewpoint about Unknown Soldier, a new comic from Vertigo. Unknown Soldier is set in the wartorn region of Rwanda/Eastern Zaire/Uganda. A doctor, whose parents moves out of that area to give their son a better life, returns to the area to make his country and his people better. Over time the doctor's schizophrenia over takes him, sending him into a homicidal rage against the Lord's Resistance Army.
Unknown Soldier attempts to provide motives and backstory to the many various factions involved in one of the bloodiest conflicts currently going on, and it succeeds. The first issue of Unknown Soldier I read hooked me deep. To the point where Unknown Soldier became the first comic I've ever gotten a hold for at my local comic book shop. Unknown Soldier is not the usual campy, happy-go-lucky, sugar infused crap. Unknown Soldier is deep, thoughtful, compelling, and all together good.
Red Recommends Unknown Soldier
I Heart Marcus Wright
A couple of weeks ago on Dead Pixel Live a debate was going on over which would be better, Manbots or Fembots. I contributed to this debate by saying, "What we really need is fuckable robots." This caused people to reciol in fear. Apparently the concept of fuckable robots repulses people.
I can see the argument as to why it would, but I just disagree with it. The concept of fuckable robots is not new. Bladerunner had them, Ghost In The Shell had them, hell, even The Jetson's had them. Come on, you can't tell me that Rosie was not among the first RIFLs.
Yes, I know you just vomited in your mouth, as is the normal response to fuckable robots. This is why I find the romantic sub-plot in Terminator Salvation so intriguing. Maybe people find this to be acceptable because it's Moon Bloodgood whose lusting after a robot. Maybe it's because of who the robot is. Look at the thing.
Musical Break Time!
I saw these guys perform at the X96 Big Ass Show. Great stuff. I look forward to hearing more from these guys.
Trico Thoughts
This is the kind of game that me and my nieces can enjoy. I can enjoy playing the game and my nieces can enjoy playing with the stuffed animal that will be made to go along with this game.
Eminem- Relapse Review
For the past couple of weeks, there's been a mantra that I've been following: What Would Jesus Do? Whether I'm driving my car, playing video games, or walking into a strip club, lately I've been asking myself "What Would Jesus Do", then doing precisely that. This is what drove me to do what I did last Sunday. I got drunk and listened to Relapse, the new album from Eminem.
On Tuesday, when I went into work, I did what many people do to pass the time, I spoke to Jesus. We talked about the family reunion I went to, how work was going, and how I hate talking to my parents about buying a new car. Eventually we talked about the new Eminem album and I told Jesus just what I thought about it. I told him that the first couple of tracks sounded like MC Frontalot to me, but the deeper I got the more I liked it. I told Jesus that Relapse is not my favorite Eminem album, The Marshall Mathers LP is my favorite, but that Relapse is not far behind it. After I told this to Jesus I got the distinct impression that he agreed with me, and that made me happy.
After I got done with work I talked to Jesus some more. Jesus wanted to play COD4 with me the next morning. I agreed and spent the next morning fragging n00bs with my good friend Jesus, or as he is known online Mexitot900.
Eminem- Relapse: B+
By the way, does anyone know how to make an e with an accent over it?