MGS 4: Second Impressions

I usually do my laundry once a month. It's not because I'm lazy, I have a ton on clothes and I live alone. When I do have to do my laundry it takes all weekend, which prevents me from running to the store and buying some weak ass Utah porn. However, last weekend I got sick. I knew I was sick when I pulled over to the side of the road to throw up. This caused me to postpone my monthly laundry weekend, as well as add some bed linens to the chore.

However, I needed clothes, desperately. I was reduced to wearing the panties my friend got me when she thought I was gay. I didn't like the insinuation that I cross dress, but I did like the fit. I figured that i could do my laundry throughout the week, during the time I had set aside for playing Metal Gear Solid 4: Obscenely Long Subtitle. I usually don't like doing two things at once, but I figured it was time to live up to my New Year's Resolution of being less lazy.

I had just finished the second act of MGS4:OLS and paused the cinema just at the beginning to start another load. After starting the dryer, loading the washer, adjusting the temperature, adding fabric softener, and folding what I has just dried, I sat down and restarted the cinema. I could still hear the hum of the washer as characters were going on about things that would spoil the plot of the game. Then a peculiar thing happened, the hum stopped. The washer had stopped and I needed to start another load. So, I paused the cinema and-

That's right, cinemas in Metal Gear Solid 4: Tactical Espionage Action: Guns Of The Patriots lasts longer that it takes to do a load of laundry. Somehow, I'm not surprised.

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