The Watchmen Review

I saw The Watchmen on Monday night. As I was watching it and on the way home, I was thinking of a review to write. Usually when I write, I have an ending in mind. For this I do not have an ending. I have two. Here they are.

I'm not a comic book geek, there's very few titles I've read and actually liked. This is because most comic books show the extremes of people. Absolute true heroes, entirely evil villains, perpetually loyal followers, wholly corrupt criminals, and other diametrically opposed parties in conflict.

The comic books I like show society as it is. Not black, not white, but differing intensities of gray. V for Vendetta, The Sandman, Sin City, and The Dark Knight fit this mold, and are therefore favored by myself. The favorite of myself, and others, is The Watchmen.

The Watchmen showed people as they actually are. Complex, moralistic, remorseful, lustful, struggling on a daily basis with who they are and how they fit in. So when I heard a movie was in the works, I was hesitant. I had this feeling that movie makers would foul up this true vision of the world, and turn it into one where blinding light chases an all encompassing shadow. In short, I thought the industry wold fuck this up.

That did not happen. The true vision displayed in The Watchmen comic is maintained in The Watchmen movie. This movie is a true triumph in the field of comic book cinema. I just hope this movie is successful. Otherwise, the era of black and white might return.

The Watchmen: A

I never feel as truly alone as I do when I'm in a movie theater. In other parts of the world, I can always distract myself with other things. Music, podcasts, manga, handheld games, TiVo, the internet, all sorts of things. However, when I'm in a movie theater, all I'm left with is me and my thoughts and observations.

I see people, all around me, together. With a spouse, with a potential spouse, with a friend, with a family member, with a co-worker, with someone. No one goes to the movies alone. No one except me.

This isn't an isolated incident. I go to restaurants alone, work alone, drive alone, read alone, write alone, sleep alone, nearly everything I do, I do alone. I just never really think of it until I'm at the movies.

I think of these things in that place for many reasons. It's dark, ambient noise is mute, my observations of people is limited, and on, and on, and on. Even the subject matter of the movie makes me think of it. When I watched The Watchmen, I saw the romantic relationship develop between Silk Specture and Night Owl, and I felt alone. I watched Laurie and Dan kiss, and I felt alone. I watched these two characters make love, and I felt alone. As I pen this passage, remembering the great movie I just saw, I feel alone.

I do not like this feeling. It is long since past the time when I should had rid myself of this feeling. I need to make a purgative act. I am just unsure as to how. I need help. Unfortunately, I am alone.

The Watchmen: A


Jon Lynch said...

Good to hear the major themes stayed intact in the transition. I'll be heading to see this on Friday and am completely stoked.

Unknown said...

Thanks for your comment. I wish more people took the minimal effort tht you did. Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

Since you pointed me here from DPL's Boards... nice review!

Anonymous said...

oops, sorry... it's me!