Jeh Johnson Actually Confirmed As Secretary Of Homeland

On Thursday, November 21st, the United States Senate voted to enact what is referred to as "the nuclear option", limiting the ability for the minority in the Senate to filibuster judicial and other cabinet nominees.  This move was met with criticism from conservative circles and was seen in liberal circles as a sign that congressional gridlock was coming to an end.  Liberals lauded the confirmation of several judicial nominees as proof of progress, as well as the confirmation of Jeh Johnson as Secretary of Homeland Security, a nomination that had been sitting in limbo since October.  However, a development learned today may put those signs of progress in question.

As it turns out, Jeh Johnson, pictured above, was not confirmed as Secretary of Homeland Security, but was rather confirmed to be a secretary on Homeland.  Homeland is a series on Showtime that has received critical acclaim, several Emmy and Golden Globe awards, as well as being called President Obama's favorite show.  A source inside Fox 21, the production company behind Homeland, has confirmed that Jeh Johnson will be a secretary for Homeland.  Mr. Johnson will not play the role of a secretary on the show Homeland, but instead will be a secretary inside the office that handles the daily affairs of running the popular television show.

When he learned of this development, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was heard to say:

"Gosh darn!  Phooey!  Why does crud like this keep on happening to us?  Dang it!"

When he learned of this development, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was heard to say:

"Booya!  That's what you get for fucking with us!"

Senator McConnell was then reported to have danced a little jig.

The future of the position of Secretary of Homeland Security is still in limbo.  Several names have been floated as possible candidates for the position, including Mansour Al-Zahrani.

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