George Speaks On Georgia, 8/11/08

Check out this video of Pres. Bush speaking about the conflict in Georgia on 8/11/08.

George clearly flubs his lines on three occasions. At the :15 mark, he repeats "Georgia" as he mentions the Russian threat against the Georgian capital. At the :52 mark, he speaks about Russia's intentions to dispose Russia's democratically elected government. At the 2:19 mark he repeats the line "Russia's relations".

I understand that we are not all perfect public speakers, but I have long since had enough of this. Can't George complete even a two and a half minute speech without embarrassing himself? Cant we get a guy into office who can articulate himself half-way decently? Can't we get a guy into office who doesn't embarrass himself and our country whenever he's on a world stage. Can't we get a guy into office who is worthy of the respect that is given to the President Of The United States?

Barack Obama's Official Website

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