Volume 11: Part 3- Trebyer: Tuesday, October 18th, 7:05 P.M.

Tuesday, October 18th, 7:05 P.M.
When Rinoa and I got back to Gin's house, we went straightaway to Gin's office to deliver the money from Guillen's.  As Rinoa and I approached Gin's office, the door was open a crack and we could hear that Gin was having a conversation with someone.  Not wanting to intrude on the conversation and also being hungry, I wanted to go to the kitchen for a minute.  Rinoa wasn't interested in going to the kitchen because of something she heard Gin say.  She quietly crept up to the office door in order to hear Gin's conversation.  I did the same purely because it was an excuse to get close to Rinoa.  This is what Gin said:
"Hello, Dha Chathair General?  Yes, I'm looking for a missing person who might have been taking to your hospital.  The last time anyone from him was Saturday.  Saturday the fifteenth.  Yes of October!  Sorry, sorry, sorry, I'm just a bit tired.  Yes.  I'm looking for my father.  He's a male, brown eyes, black hair, sixty-eight years old, his name is Eugene Ayah, although most people call him The Father.  The last place I think anyone saw him was in the Third Branch of The Church of the Holy God.  Member?  He's The Father, he runs the Third Branch.  What?  You can't help?  Why?  So what if he's a non-believers, you're a hospital!  You treat the sick.  Next you're going to tell me you refuse treatment to opfers as well.  What?  What the fuck is wrong with you people!  Goddamn it!  Fuck it!  Fuck them all!"
Gin's swearing finish was accompanied by a crash we later found out was Gin throwing his phone across the room.  I don't know if I heard what I thought I heard, but I hope this doesn't affect my plane ride to Amcan.
Hato Shurtleff

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