Class Misdirection 2012

Political Misdirection
There are ads out there.  It feels as if they are always there.  Always are, always were, always.  It's gotten to the point where I feel as if I have seen them all.  i know I haven't, but the ads are so similar that if you've seen five or six of them, you've seen them all.
I've gotten to the point where I have started to ignore them.  Sure a lot of effort is being put into them and people's effort should be appreciated, but I don't care.  The ads are as irrelevant to me.  They make no impact, no impression, nothing.  They are just there.
The ads have affect the decision I have made, in as much as I want so much to be rid of them that I have chosen the one with the ads that have been least ubiquitous.  Sure the ads for this have been increasing lately, but I've made my decision now.  My decision can change in the future, but I have to choose something and I have to choose now.
This Tuesday, as I make my way through the dreary landscape that I have placed myself in, I will choose something.  Something rather than nothing, but something which may yet have the effect of nothing.
Heineken 2012.

By the way, the reason that I have been posting this video, every week for the past couple of weeks, is purely political.  To me, this is Mitt Romney.  To me Mitt is the kind of rich person who sees everyone who is not at their level as a burden on themselves.  I feel that this is a mindset that holds not just about the poor, but all people who are not at the social and economical level that he is that.  This is the kind of person that I do not want in charge of anything.  Not my politics, not my financial affairs, not my public affairs, not my private affairs, nothing.

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