Volume 11: Part 1- Moenia Prima: Tuesday, September 20th, 12:10 P.M.

Tuesday, September 20th, 12:10 P.M.
Usually in the morning I am awoken by my alarm clock, the sound of which hits you like somebody hitting you in the forehead with a ballpine hammer.  I'd like to be awoken by music or talk radio.  However, as I've said before, there aren't any stations with music I like anymore and racist talk radio is not the best thing to experience first thing in the morning.  I would have liked to be awoken by the sweet smell of the overnight rainfall.  That is not what woke me up this morning.  Instead, I was awoken by my Dad knocking on my bedroom door.
While wiping the blurriness from my eyes, I said, "Yeah."
"Sorry I woke you up, but I need to tell you something."  There was a serious tone in Dad's voice, which is unusual for him.
"What is it?"
Dad came in and sat on the edge of my desk.  Dad taking this position and looking at me the way he did also said to me that Dad was being serious.  "Your Mom and I have decided to leave town.  We've had enough.  Belle's had it with this town for a while, and after yesterday, I- I just- those fucking savages."
"I know Dad, I know."
Dad took a moment to compose himself then continued.  "I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come with us.  You don't have to, but I'd make your Mom really happy if you did."
I thought about it for a moment.  "Where are you two going?"
"Dha Chathair, at first.  Depending on the situation there, we might stay there or move on to another city.  I really don't know, your Mom and I only decided to leave Moenia Prima this morning."
The prospect of moving to Dha Chathair appealed to me, much more than staying here.  However, the more I thought about it the more I thought of Sparra, Wanda, and Delany.  Admittedly, I thought more of Delany than anyone else.  I just couldn't bear the thought of abandoning them in this city.  We've helped each other so many times with so much trivial bullshit, isn't it most important to help each other now?
I sat up in my bed and said, "Dad, I like the idea of going to Dha Chathair, but I can't go just yet.  I want to check with Delany and Sparra and Wanda and see if they want to go too."
Dad was disappointed to hear this.  "Hato, I understand.  Your Mom's not going to be happy, but it might take some time before she's capable of being happy again."  Dad got up from my desk and slowly started making his way toward my door.  Before he left my bedroom, Dad turned back to me and said, "Just remember to take care of yourself.  I'll be damned if those people are going to take another son from me."
"I will."
After that bit of reassurance, Dad left to go pack things up.  I got showered, dressed, and tried calling and emailing my friends.  I got no response.  My next course of action was to go to where I thought my friends would be: The charity Delany works for, the DFPS facility Sparra works at, and the strip club where Wanda performs at.  As I was leaving the house, I passed Sakoshi's room.  Sitting on the floor in the middle of Sakoshi's room on the verge of tears with one of Sakoshi's stuffed animals in her hands was Mom.  Seeing Mom in that state, that overwhelming feeling of sadness, compelled me to at least stay and see my parents off.  I wasn't going with them, but perhaps seeing that I was safe as she left Moenia Prima would set my Mom's mind at ease.
The morning was spent trying to cram the car full of as much stuff from the house as we could.  Mom spent most of the time gathering pictures and photo albums, making sure to save every picture of Sakoshi she could find.  Dad was more concerned with saving the computer, books, and his finely aged single malt Scotch.  While we were doing this, the radio was on, tuned to the radio station with all the blatantly racist political talk shows.  Mom really didn't want to listen to that station, but Dad was adamant, saying, "We need to know where the mobs are so we can escape safely."  I didn't know what Dad meant by that, so I listened to the radio to hear what they were saying.
"Eleven minutes past the hour here on your independent news leader.  Now it's time for a check of the top news of the hour.  News headlines brought to you by Kalimba brand sausage products.  For that good, wholesome, old fashioned flavor, look for Kalimba brand sausage products in your grocer's freezer.  Kalimba.
"Overnight, several opfer owned or operated businesses, meeting places, and churches were ransacked by verbrecher vigilantes.  A letter sent to The Charlie Mason Show, purporting to be from one of the vigilantes, reads as follows:
We are doing that which is right.  We are protecting that which is moral.  We are doing that which those that are sworn to protect us refuse to do.  We are eliminating the criminal element from Moenia Prima.  We are eliminating opfers.  We know the truth, that all opfers are complicit in the unchecked crimes that go on in this city.  We will not rest untill all opfers are cleansed from Moenia Prima, and, as we move forward, the country of Dolore as a whole.
"The Moenia Prima Police Department has not responded to these acts of vigilantism, nor to the accusations circulating in the mainstream media sources that members of the MPPD are among the participants in these vigilante acts.  More on this story as it develops.
"In other news..."
After hearing that story I called and emailed my friends again, this time with more urgency.  This time I emailed then, not because I wanted to leave Moenia Prima with them, because I wanted to know if they were alive.  As my messages were being sent through the magical airwaves and I was in the family room helping Mom put the last of the photo albums in a box, another report came on the radio.
"Looking at national headlines, in an update from this morning, the vigilante groups that ransacked opfer owned business overnight appear now to be targeting opfer families in their homes.  Reports are sketchy at this point, but several news outlets are reporting fatalities as a result of this groups actions..."
"Shit," Dad exclaimed as he heard this report.  "We gotta get out of here.  Bella, grab the radio and that box you're carrying.  Hato, go around and make sure the windows and doors are locked, then slip out the back into the tall grass.  If you're really staying here, that's the best place to stay hidden.  I'll go out and start the car."  Dad then opened the front door and then immediately closed it.
Mom asked, with a heavy sense of dread in her voice, "Solanin, what was it?"
Dad turned around and looked at Mom and I.  He looked more afraid than I've ever seen anyone be afraid in my life.  "There's a group of verbrechers down the street walking this way.  They're carrying baseball bats, machetes, and assault rifles."
"Oh God no."  The terror my Mom was feeling was evident in her voice and on her face.
I sprung to the front window to confirm what Dad had seen.  "Shit!  What are we going to do?"
Dad cleared the emotion from his face and took action.  "Hato, if you really are staying in this city, you need to leave this house now.  Use your osher training and you should be fine.  Belle, we're getting in the car and leaving, now."
Mom was still afraid.  "We can't just drive through that mob, they'll shoot us before we get through.  They'll kill us."
Dad was still resolute.  "They'll kill us if we stay here.  If we get in the car, we take the chance that they suck at hitting a moving target."
After I was done confirming the mob and analyzing the safest routes to my first destination, Delany's work, I stepped away from the window.  "Mom, I'm sure you'll be fine.  When my friends and I get to Dha Chathair, I'm sure I'll find you."
Tears began welling in my Mom's eyes.  I kissed her before making my way for the back door.  Just before we left doors at opposite ends of the house, my Dad said to me, "Son, I know you'll survive this."
I replied, "I know you will too."  I pray that what we said will come true.
Hato Shurtleff

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