Red Review- Grand Theft Auto V

It's rare that stress gets to me. My job is one without stress, I don't have a romantic life and therefore no real romantic stress, and my financial situation is quite stable. The only thing that really bothers me is my family. Sometimes I just feel my family just asks too much from me. Sometimes it seems like anytime I have some time off, or some extra money, they try to take it away from me. That is what is stressful to me, and sometimes I need to just get away from it.

I legitimately wish I could take a vacation from my family. Not my work, my family. Unfortunately I can't really choose to do one or the other. I need to get away from both because once I get away from work my family starts hitting me up to do shit for them. It's not like I can go to a hotel and still go to work while avoiding the main source of stress in my life. As a result, rarely go on vacation. What I actually do to relieve the stress from my family is drive. Driving allows me to get away from the stresses of life, if only for a little while.
Every so often I will hit the roads for a good long drive. Sometimes I pick somewhere, a restaurant or a store I've never been to, and just go there. Sometimes I just pick a direction and go. Given where I live, I can't really go West, but North, South, and East all hold have great places to see and great places to drive near.
The Grand Theft Auto series has also allowed me to just drive around in the game environment with no real structure or point. There is a simple joy to finding a nice, clear, smooth stretch of road and just driving on it. Driving on it for as long and as far as it will take you.
There is also a simple joy to hitting motorcyclist with your car. Fuck motorcyclists.
Grand Theft Auto V: A

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