About Drug Testing

Report: NFL Drug Testing Is Screwed Up And Screwed Josh Gordon

I read this story yesterday and I've been thinking about it ever since.  This is not because I'm a Browns fan, a Josh Gordon fan, or because I'm a football fan.  This is because there's a situation that I've been following ever since the media started reporting it.

In recent years several states, including my own, have been implementing policies that require beneficiaries of certain public assistance programs, most prominently welfare, to undergo drug screening in order to get on and stay on public assistance.  The ethics of such requirements has been in debate, but the Josh Gordon situation brings up an even more troubling question.  Does drug testing even work?  Do the mechanisms that are in place to deliver and test a sample even work in giving consistent reliable results?  Does drug testing give consistent, reliable, and accurate results?  Can the results of drug testing be trusted?  If a multi-billion dollar sports league has systemic problems with a system that it has and currently is spending millions of dollars to set up, run, and maintain, do states suffer from similar problems, or perhaps even worse ones?

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