Volume 11: Part 2- Dha Chathair: Wednesday, October 12th, 2:10 A.M.

Wednesday, October 12th, 2:10 A.M.
It was well past midnight when I got back to the farm.  People don't tell you this, but a field of corn looks spooky late at night.  About every ten feet or so, I would whip my head around, looking for a verbrecher in a Spiker Sullivan shirt.  When I got to the barracks, I saw a flickering light inside the main house.  Paranoia does weird things to you.  For instance, paranoia makes you investigate unknown flickering lights instead of going the fuck to sleep.
Following the flickering lights into the house caused me to pick up on some sound.  Two sounds to be specific.  One was the voice of a calm, sedate, reasonable person.  The other was of a loud, drunken, way totally pissed off person.  As I entered the room where the flickering lights were coming from, I saw the reasonable one was Spiker, and the pissed off one was Sam.  Sam was watching the 1AM replay of the Spiker Sullivan Show, and, given the many bottles of Ayah Beer on the floor, was drunk.
Spiker was delivering a long winded speech about how he is good, the other side is bad, and you should buy his merchandise.  Meanwhile, Sam was responding to Spiker by yelling.  I couldn't tell you what Sam was saying because I could only make out his swearing.  I must have made a noise, because Sam noticed one standing in the doorway watching him.
"Hello Hato!"  The way Sam said that was more boisterous and slurred than I can convey.
"You just getting back from the Damnrodic show?"
"Dramatica, and yes."
"Did you and Rinoa get all lovey dovey during one of those pussy slow jams?"  At this point Sam was getting on my nerves.
"Actually, I forgot to ask Rinoa to the show."
"Damn!"  This time when Sam swore he shook his beer, spilling most of what was left in the bottle.  "Shit, I just dropped a beer."
"From the looks of things, you've dropped several."  I don't know if Sam didn't hear me or if he blacked out, but he suddenly switched topics and began to talk about what he was watching.
"This is a disgrace.  This Spiker.  The kind of values this guy espouses.  This is the same kind of shit that brought you here to Dha Chathair, that drove you from Moenia Prima, that drove the verbrechers of that city to try and wipe out the opfers.  It astonishes me, because this has happened before.  This exact same thing.  You'd think that people would think for a moment and realize what this guy is actually saying to his audience."
Responding to Sam with skepticism at that moment would have been unproductive.  So, I didn't express my thoughts.  "My grandfather, even to his dying day, said that people will find their minds, and that peace will be restored."
"I'd like to believe that.  I'd also like it if the environment was right for you to pursue a romantic life, but that may be out of the question."
With a heavy heart I nodded and said, "Yep.  I mean, I want to pursue Rinoa, or Delany, or anyone else, but I can't.  I need to get to Amcan.  I need to get what's going on to people outside of Dolore."
"Maybe once this whole thing dies down, you and Rinoa can start being young again."
Hato Shurtleff

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