Adventures In False Advertising With Kate Upton's Butt

Occasionally you come across something that you initially think is one thing but totally is not.  This can be a traumatic experience if you have a lot of emotional investment in that particular things, but more often than not it serves as a learning experience.  You learn about the kind of things that people can use to deceive you, and, hopefully, learn to either avoid those things or use those things as warning signs when you have dealing with other people.

Websites are well known for utilizing these kind of deceptive tactics.  Often a website will call itself something or have an article with a title that tricks the reader into clicking on that website.  In most instances this is done to increase ad revenue, as is the case with the title of this article, and, I believe, the title of this article posted on The Huffington Post:

The 7 Biggest Buts In History

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