There's A Well Light Strip Club?

There's a post on Vice Magazine that I read about a week ago that still sticks in my mind.  It's an article by Mitchell Sunderland called  I WORE A SPANDEX DIAPER TO A STRIP CLUB SO I COULD COME WHILE RECEIVING A LAP DANCE.  No, really, this is an real article about an real product that really exists.  Really.

What disturbs me about this article is not Mr. Sunderland detailing his experience at a gay strip club.  Actually, I found it enlightening to learn of the experience of going to a gay strip club.  Personally, my experiences with gay strip clubs are limited to the movie Pecker.  Nor did it disturb me to read of the various sex acts that Mr. Sunderland received while at the gay strip club.  Frankly, it made me wonder what it would be like to go to a strip club like this, or any strip club that is not regulated within an inch of it's life.

What disturbs me about Mr. Sunderland's article is the pictures.  No, not the fact that the pictures detail his experience at the gay strip club, but rather that the pictures are good.  These pictures are well light, artistically framed, and seem to be taken freely and openly.  This is not the experience I've had with the strip clubs I've been to.  Not only are camera expressly banned in all of the strip clubs I've been to, but the lighting therein can be best described as anti-lighting.  Granted these pictures look like they were taken with a flashbulb that puts out more light than a nuclear bomb, but still there's light!  In the strip clubs I've been in the main source of light was the cell phones of the people checking their messages as the emaciated blonde woman in front of them goes through her hourly routine.

All of this makes me sincerely want to go experience for myself what Johnny's Fort Lauderdale is actually like.  Now, I don't want to tell people that I'm going to Florida just so I can go to a strip club.  So, what can I use as cover for my excursion?

Game Nation

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