Taking My Corporate Balls

There's something to be said about the concept of taking your ball and going home.  That thing that needs to be said is that it sucks.  Behavior such as this is something that petulant children do, and sometimes petulant adults.  Yes it is your ball and yes the people you're playing with may not be doing exactly what you want, but fuck you.  That's life!  People aren't going to do exactly what you want in exactly the way that you want it to be done all the damn time.  Part of being an adult, a real adult not a petulant childish manchild, is learning how to adjust to what other people are doing in a way that is beneficial to yourself and the group.  It may not always work out best for you but that's what happens sometimes.

Major TV Networks Trash Netflix, Want It To Be Like Amazon And Hulu

...that is unless you are a major corporation.  Then you get whatever the fuck you like however the fuck you like it, and if you don't you can figuratively take your ball and go home.

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