Volume 11: Part 4- Vierdestad: Thursday, October 27th, 7:04 P.M. (Part 1)

Thursday, October 27th, 7:04 P.M.  (Part 1)
When my parents first started giving me journals for my birthday, they did so because they wanted me to document my life.  They wanted me to document what happened in my life, how it happened, where it happened, and when it happened.  They also wanted me to document what I thought about what was happening.  I have attempted to do this throughout my life with varying levels of success.  Recently more significant things have been happening, so I've been documenting more of my life.  This documentation is especially important today.
Let's begin where I left off.  Not long after I finished my curse filled rage entry about him, Commander Lider finally showed up and met with me.  After offering me a seat and a cup of coffee, Commander Lider started to lay out a role I could take in the Vierdestad Opfer Military on a temporary basis.  Lider was talking about how I could work for the Intelligence Department, study the verbrechers blockade, find weaknesses in that blockade, them exploit those weaknesses so that the blockade would be broken and Rinoa and I could be free to leave.  I remember the bulletpoints of what Commander Lider said and not specifics because I wasn't really listening to him.  Instead of listening to Lider, I was staring at the random crap on the walls of his office.
After glancing at pictures of Commander Lider standing next to someone in graduation attire and Commander Lider with a group of people and a moderately sized fish, I glanced out the window of Commander Lider's office.  That is when I saw it.  I saw the opening shot coming directly for Commander Lider's office.  In the middle of being told about the kind of binoculars I'd be using to study the blockade, I yelled, "Get down!"
I was able to hit the floor and use a desk as cover before the round went through the glass.  Commander Lider did not.  Commander Lider took the full brunt of the explosive round shot into his office.  The explosive round had, I assume, it's desired effect.  The objects in the office were turned into a million different slightly charred bits of barely recognizable material.  The people in the office were also affected.
The explosion caused the cut in my head to reopen.  Blood began to trickle down my face as I crawled over to check on Commander Lider.  If my bloodflow was a trickle, Commander Lider's bloodflow was a large river.  Commander Lider was dead.
When I confirmed that fact for myself, I looked out the window at where the explosive round came from.  I wiped the blood from my eyes and scanned the horizon at the place where I had seen the blockade before.  The stationary blockade was no longer there.  Instead, the blockade was traveling toward Vierdestad.  The vehicles that made the blockade were speeding toward the city, firing bullets and explosive rounds as they did so.  The verbrechers were coming for us.  The verbrechers were coming to attack Vierdestad and, if this attack was anything like before, their intent was to wipe us out.
In moments such as this, the best people among us think, or at least claim to think, wider than of themselves and their loves ones.  The best among us think of their country, the people in general, the general future of things.  I am not one of these people.  In the moment when I saw verbrechers speeding toward Vierdestad, my only thoughts were of Rinoa.  My thoughts were of getting to Rinoa, making sure she was okay, then getting us both out of the city.
When I stepped out of Commander Lider's office into the open area of the military base, what I saw was chaos.  People running around, vehicles nearly hitting each other, nearly no one showing they had any plans as to what to do, all the while explosions were causing every part of the military base to be ripped to shreds.  There was one man who looked like he knew what he was doing.  A solitary man who looked to have some sense of what to do.  As I approached this man I knew now would not be a time this leader would be obsessing about trains.
I slid right next to Ushtar, defending himself near a concrete barrier.  Over the sounds of the firefight, I said to the Captain, "Ushtar, what's the plan?"
"We repel the attack as we wait for orders from Commander Lider."
"Commander Lider is dead."
"Commander Lider is dead.  An explosive round took out his office."
"Are you sure?"
"I was there when the explosion happened."
"Are you injured?"
"The cut I got from the plane crash reopened, but other than that I'm fine."  There was a short pause as the fighting continued raging on.  "Ushtar, what's the plan?"
"What's the plan?  How are we going to move forward?  Who is the commanding officer now that Lider is dead?"
Captain Ushtar thought for a moment about that question.  "I don't know who the commanding officer is.  I reported directly to Commander Lider, all the Captains did.  I can't think of a senior official who takes charge in this situation."
That statement, coupled with an explosion that caused dirt to fly into my headwound, caused me to take action.  "Ushtar, we have to get out of here.  Those verbrechers aren't going to stop untill we're dead.  All of us, dead."
"We can't leave the city to be conquered."
"They already are conquering the city.  They've conquered all the cities.  The tactics used by these armed verbrechers groups are getting more ferocious by the day.  We need help."
"Help from who?"
“The Velasians.  If we get to Amcan, we can get the Velas Army to help stop these verbrecher assaults."
"How do we get there?"
I'm not pretty thankful that Ushtar is obsessed with trains.  "Do you have your phone on you?"  Ushtar reached inside his flak jacket and handed me his phone.  I got into his Train Tracker program, dug around a bit, then found what I was looking for.  "Look, there’s an operating locomotive at this train station.  There's a rail line that leads from this station, out of Vierdestad, and straight to Amcan.  This is our ticket out.
Ushtar looked over the rout that I laid out them spoke.  "I'm not going anywhere without Grace."
"I'm not going anywhere without Rinoa."
"Do you know where she is?"
"Well, I know where Grace is.  The problem is I don't know how to get there without taking a road that will surely have an armed group of verbrechers on it."
Had I known that Ushtar's phone had a maps program on it at the time, I would have used it.  Instead I took out my Hipster and looked up possible routes between the base and Stilen's Silkenries.  Given my change of devices and my inability to spell "Silkenries", this took much longer than it should have, resulting in much more dirt flying into my headwound.  After several seconds, "I found it.  I found a route we can take.  If we take back alleys, we can get to Grace's boutique while avoiding places where people looking to slaughter large groups of people would go."
Again, Ushtar looked over the route that I laid out them spoke.  "Okay."  Ushtar took a grenade off his vest, pulled the pin, and threw it over the barricade.  Once it exploded, Ushtar said, "Let's go."

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