Volume 11: Part 4- Vierdestad: Thursday, October 27th, 7:04 P.M. (Part 2)

Thursday, October 27th, 7:04 P.M.  (Part 2)

When I was in junior high, my Dad started to train me on an obstacle course set up at a park at the Opfer Cultural Center, a setup which is, no doubt, destroyed by now.  Dad started me off slowly at first, but eventually pushed me to go over this obstacle course in a full sprint.  Training on that course helped me to get to Grace's boutique.  The difference between my training and the sprint along the route to Grace's boutique was, instead of avoiding steel bars and kids with sticky hands, I was avoiding the dead.  Ushtar also avoided the dead in a swift manner, but he was a couple of steps behind me.
I turned the corner to a straight shot to Grace's boutique.  When I sat the storefront I saw a man, a verbrecher, drop a backpack in front of the mannequin wearing the hot lacy combination.  The mannequin is no longer there.  The backpack is no longer there.  The storefront is no longer there.  The store is no longer there.  I turned the corner in time to see the backpack be placed in front of Grace's boutique.  Ushtar turned the corner in time to see the backpack explode.
Ushtar's reaction to the explosion was understandable.  Ushtar forgot the environment he was in.  He forgot about the verbrechers, the guns, and the intent of the verbrechers carrying the guns.  In that moment Ushtar sprinted in the direction of the explosion to look for his love.  Only through the power of love and the grace of God does this result in something good.  In this case, Ushtar's thoughtless expression of his love resulted in him not getting shot.  I didn't get shot either, but I was much more deliberate about making sure that didn't happen.
When I got to him, Ushtar was frantically digging through the rubble that now fills Stilen's Silkenries.  Watching this from a distance, I felt I was watching a tragedy in process.  This tragedy reached its climax when Ushtar found Grace.  Grace was dead.  The explosion had killed Grace.  Ushtar was holding his dead lover.  When I saw this I saw a vision of myself holding Rinoa.  I saw this and I saw afraid.  This frightful vision was broken by a ringing phone.
I dashed over to the register, picked up the phone, and listened.  "Hello?  Grace?  Are you there?"  The sound of Rinoa's voice was a tremendous relief to me.
"Where's Grace?  Is she all right?"
"Where are you?"
"I'm at The Redford.  I haven’t left the room.  Are you all right?"
"Yes.  Are you safe?"
"I think so?"
"Good.  We're coming to get you."
"Yeah.  Ushtar and I are coming to get you.  We need to leave, now."
"Okay.  I love you, Hato."
"I love you too.  We're leaving, now."
Hearing Rinoa's sweet voice made me take my focus off Ushtar.  When I again focused on Ushtar I didn't like what I saw.  His face was a mix of overwhelming sadness and white hot rage.  I also saw Ushtar's gun positioned against his right temple.
With tears streaming down his face, Ushtar said, "Grace, I'm coming."
Across the store I ran, throwing myself at Ushtar before he could take his shot.  As I tried to wrestle the gun away from Ushtar, I tried to reason with him.  "Ushtar, you don't want to do this."
"Bullshit I don't."
"Give me the gun!"
"No.  I don't want to live without Grace."
As a last resort, I kicked Ushtar in the balls, allowing me the opportunity to tear the gun away from him.  As he was on the floor in pain, tears still flowing from his eyes, I began yelling at Ushtar.  "Don't you see man?  This is what the verbrechers want.  They want to torture us.  They want to slaughter us.  They want us dead, and if we're causing ourselves pain, if we're killing ourselves, all the better for them."
"They killed my wife.  We were going to have a life together, with children and a house with little daisies out front.  I've lost it now.  You don't know what that's like."
"You're right, I don't.  You may never have that for yourself, but you can prevent that from being taken away from someone else.  Ushtar, we have to get to Velas.  We have to tell the world what's going on here.  We have to do it."  As tears began to trickle down my face, I said, "Please.  I can't do this alone.  We have to do it.  For the sake of us, all of the opfers in Dolore, we have to get to Velas to tell the world what is going on here."
Ushtar wiped the tears from his eyes, took a couple of deep breaths, then looked at his fallen love.  I know that such a scene may happen to me in my life, but I hope that it's not for a very long time.  The gunfire from outside served as a way to break this scene.  "Okay, let’s get this done.  How do you propose we do this?"
I pulled back out my Hipster and started searching for routes we could take.  "I don't see any back alleys we could take to The Redford, and the train station is surrounded by busy streets.  If we had a car, this would be a lot easier."
"What about a big armored vehicle?"
"Yeah, but who has access to those?"
"I do.  The Vierdestad Opfer Military does.  There’s a whole fleet of them back at the base."
"Wouldn't that be the first thing anyone would go and hide in during a firefight?"
"Sure, if they could get into them.  However, the keys to the vehicles are in a safe with a biometric lock on it.  Only Captains and the Commander can open that safe."
"Captains like you?"
I looked at the map for The Redford.  It took me a second, but then I got an idea.  "There's a loading area in the back of The Redford.  If you can get there, I can get there with Rinoa."
"What makes you think they wouldn't blow The Redford up the same way they blew up this building?"
"I just talked to Rinoa.  She's at The Redford.  She's safe.  I'm going on blind faith that she still is."
Ushtar nodded his head and said, "Okay.  I'll go get the vehicle and meet you there."  Ushtar then started to go back to the base.  He was a couple of steps away from leaving Grace's boutique before he stopped and turned back toward me.  "Could you give me my gun?"
I was still holding the gun.  I had never held a gun before.  It felt odd to me to hold something that could easily kill someone.  Despite the oddness I felt, I hesitated in giving the gun back to Ushtar because I knew what he had just wanted to do with it.  The hesitation was only for a moment.  After that moment, I knew that I had faith in Ushtar, that he was going to go to the base and bring an armored vehicle to The Redford.  I had faith that Ushtar was not going to kill himself.  So I handed the gun to Ushtar.
"Thank you," Ushtar said to me as he ran out of the destroyed boutique, going back along the route we took toward the military base.

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