Whatever Beacons The Hawk: Official Digital Release Set For.................................................................................


Eleven years after the events of Consequences Of Mayorust, The Hawk finds himself dealing with many of the same issues that many of us deal with: A less than satisfying job, co-workers of variant annoyance, and a romantic life is unhealthy at best.  Thrust into all this is Madison Medina, a well meaning woman who's adversarial relationship with The Hawk morphs into a kind of friendship.  Madison, in addition to learning more about herself and her abilities, help to reveal deeper problems inside the organization both she and The Hawk work for.  Whatever Beacons The Hawk, available now at the link above.

Whatever Beacon The Hawk is my fifth book and my third book to feature The Hawk.  Due to the fact that, to my knowledge, I cannot pursue a choose your own price model for the digital release of this book, I have chosen to release Whatever Beacons The Hawk in a PDF format for free.  The reason that I am putting out the digital copy for free is not that I don't think Whatever Beacon The Hawk isn't worth money.  The reason that I am putting out the digital copy for free is that I can and why not.  Also, I gave up on making money from my writing after the lackluster response from The Black Robin Christmas Carole.  If you feel the need to pay me for my book, and I have no idea why the fuck you would do that, I suggest purchasing the other books that I have tried and failed to make money on.

Since Project Buy A House isn't going as smoothly as I planned, I have had to move back the release date of the physical edition of Whatever Beacons The Hawk to whenever I can fucking afford to do it.  It's not that releasing a physical copy costs a lot of money, it's that it costs money and I don't have spare money to spend on things that will not make me money, and, as I stated earlier, I do not believe that my writing will make me money.  I do plan to eventually release a physical copy of Whatever Beacons The Hawk, but if you are impatient and want a physical copy now, I suggest downloading the digital copy and utilizing a motherfucking printer.  If you complain about the fact that there is no cover art, I suggest you either go fuck yourself or hire a person with actual visual artistic skill to make a decent cover for me.  I would suggest this person.

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