Possible Utah Smokescreen

There's an article on Vice Magazine about the anti-gay laws that were recently passed in Nigeria.  The article, by Oscar Rickett,  asserts that the convoluted, illogical, and often redundant laws against homosexuality in Nigeria may be a smokescreen drawing attention away from systemic problems inside the Nigerian government.  These problems include power shortages, economic inequality, piracy, militant terrotism, and ethnic strife.  Rickett says in his article:

With all these issues going unaddressed, the one thing Jonathan could guarantee support on was bashing homosexuality.

This article piqued my interest.  With all the attention that was being brought to Nigeria, and other African countries, over their anti-gay laws, none of that attention included talk about the other problems that people are encountering in their country.  It makes me rethink the coverage of such issues in the media.  It also makes me rethink the actions of my local officials.

Utah Will Not Recognize Same-Sex Marriages That Have Already Been Performed: Governor's Office

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