Project Buy A Lame Scooter

In addition to pursuing Project Buy A House, I am actively thinking about what kind of vehicle I want to purchase next.  Sure my car isn't that old, and sure I haven't had any serious problems with it, but I am a liberal and people keep on pointing out to me how hypocritical it is for me to be a liberal and drive a giant gas guzzling SUV even though I don't care about what those people are saying.  In summation, I want a new vehicle for reasons.

I've been thinking about getting a small vehicle, and perhaps a scooter.  This would be great for gas mileage, be better for me economically because I would spend less money on gas, and (insert third reason here that also references gas mileage).  The question is which scooter do I want to buy?  Do I want something small and zippy like a Vespa, or something with more power but still economical like a Honda.  Perhaps there are other options out there.  Perhaps there is a battery powered option out there is appeals to my need to reduce the amount of gas I use while also making me look like a complete doucebag.

Yeah, no.  No, not a Ryno Motors Scooter.  Not because of the way it looks, but because of the range.  A scooter like this might be good for short trips around town, but I live twelve miles away from work.  I don't want to make it almost all the way to work and then have to push my scooter down the street while gas guzzling car after gas guzzling car nearly hit me as I do so.  Perhaps I'm going about this all wrong.  Perhaps what I want is a smaller car, but which one?

Okay, now I want a FIAT but can't explain why.

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